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Training Programs


Hi Welcome to My Training Programs!
Here is where we are going to work in 4 different programs PushPullLegs, Total Body, Calisthenics, and Explosive or Athletic training.

Crossfit Wheels


If you don't use it you lose it! So here we are focusing on athletic and explosive movements. This is a power focused program that will be challenging but lots of fun.

Strong Man


This Program is built on movements that are either pushing, pulling weights. We also make sure to hit legs to be sure we are not neglecting the biggest muscles in our body.


Bodyweight workouts are fun, convenient and very good for anyone getting in shape. Here we will focus on using our body weight as the resistance we need to build strength, power, and endurance.

Outdoor Workout

Total body

This program is built on using all muscle groups of our bodies in a workout. We make sure to hit all three movements, push, pull, and legs in a workout.

Heavy Weights
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